
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

cara nak cari top keyword for search engine?

Saya ada baca tips2 otai2 blogger termasuk dari Hanis Zalikha dalam berita harian..
Kalau nak tarik trafik, cari tajuk entry yang tinggi search engine (SEO) nya..

Saya nak bagi tahu cara yang digunakan bloggers untuk cari ayat2 yang search engine tinggi..
Kita just type keyword sahaja, akan keluarlah list ayat2
(terdiri daripada 1,2 atau 3 perkataan sahaja kot) dengan local search volume (berapa banyak kali digunakan masa search) ..

Taiplah apa sahaja perkataan..
Akan keluarlah list tersebut..
Banyak atau sikit sahajalah..

Senang sahaja sebenarnya..
Tak perlukan tutorial kot..
Just pergi kat sini sahaja.

Since, there are some readers that not able to understand in malay, I would like to explain it in english even in broken one..(please forgive me for that fact..)

Ok,straight to the point..
According to top bloggers like Hanis Zalikha, she said to get high traffic for your blog, you need to use top keywords for search engine as 1 of option.

And here I would like to share with you how to get it..this method was commonly used by bloggers.
Just visit this site..
type any word that related to your entry and after that click the 'Get keyword ideas'..
A list of top search engine word will came out with local search volume (how many search using that word) for each of it...
You can include that words in your title of entry to improve your traffic..

p/s: selamat mencuba yea~=)


Faarihin said...

oho begitu ya kak..
makasih infonya.. tapi selalunya saya belasah aje nak bubuh tajuk ape.. huhuhu.. said...

haha..akakpun sama je..
belasah aja..

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