
Friday, October 15, 2010

Water? What happened to our world nowadays!

Water is the something that I believe that everyone just not want but need it to survive for life. But we always over-looked the importance of clean water and the bad effect that might caused if we are lost of water even for a single day. So, as to support Blog action Day 2010, I will voice out about water in blog post here. This campaign brought to you by

What is serious issue that caused by water? Basically there a lot of things that severely happened caused by water and some issues I'm not notice them before but after I go through the websites I realize the logic of that issue arises not only in our country but around the world that might be not safe enough for us to live in.

Why I said like that?

You should ask yourself and find out by yourself what happened and gonna be happened to our beloved world nowadays and future if we still overlooked about the issue of water. And then what we can do to save our water? Ask yourself again..agaga.. ok I'm just kidding. So simple actually. You can sign petition that positioned at my blog right sidebar. Found? Ok, jut sign the petition and done! You have done your part to save our water.

Actually, why water?

Ok, actually just like I said there are so many issues that arises caused by water. But I only want to focus on the one of water sources to us which is river. yes, river is water and a lot of water flow to form as river. So, I dont want to say much regarding how seriuos water pollutant of river around the world nowadays since everyday household activities are a major contributor to polluted runoff, which is among the most serious sources of water contamination.

When it rains, fertilizer from lawns, oil from driveways, paint and solvent residues from walls and decks and even waste from pet Fido are all washed into storm sewers or nearby lakes, rivers and streams -- the same lakes, rivers and streams we rely on for drinking, bathing, swimming and fishing.

So, Here I would like to share to you all some ways you can help reduce polluted runoff to our river directly starts from your home. Yup, everythings always starts from ourself first right!
I will share with you four of simple ways to be followed;

1) Correctly dispose of hazardous household product.

--> Keep paints, used oil, cleaning solvents, polishes, pool chemicals, insecticides, and other hazardous household chemicals out of drains, sinks, and toilets. Many of these products contain harmful substances -- such as sodium hypochlorite, petroleum distillates, phenol and cresol, ammonia and formaldehyde -- that can end up in nearby water bodies.
--> Contact your local sanitation, public works, or environmental health department to find out about hazardous waste collection days and sites.
* If a local program isn't available, request one.

2) Use nontoxic household products whenever possible.

--> Discarding toxic products correctly is important, but not buying them in the first place is better.
--> Ask local stores to carry nontoxic products if they don't already. For examples of safe substitutes for toxic household products, check EPA's EnviroSense website.

3) Recycle and dispose of all trash properly.

-->Never flush non-degradable products -- such as disposable diapers or plastic tampon applicators -- down the toilet. They can damage the sewage treatment process and end up littering beaches and waters.

4) Conserve water.

Use the most efficient plumbing fixtures. A whopping 73 percent of the water you use in your home is either flushed down the toilet or washed down the shower drain. Toilet dams or bricks placed in your toilet tank can save four gallons of water per flush, or up to 13,000 gallons a year for the average family of four.
Low-flow toilets and showerheads also yield major water savings. Repair drips promptly; a dripping faucet can waste 20 gallons a day, a leaking toilet 200 gallons. Sweep driveways and sidewalks instead of hosing them down.

This information is not enough for you to understand how to save clean and safe water? if so, please feel free to visit HERE for more information and they also shared the other 8 ways to help reduce polluted runoff to the river.


Peringatan :
Bahasa Inggeris penulis amatlah lemah dan lemau ye. Kalau ada kesilapan grammar apatahlagi susunan ayat dan perkataan sila-silalah menegur secara berhikmah. hehe~
Entry hari ni di buat sempena Blog Action Day 2010. Korang sayangkan air bersih kita, sungai kita? Katakan ya dan bertindak segera untuk menyelamatkannya.

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